6 Simple Yet Effective Catering Business Website Design Tips To Pull Off More Bookings

Jul 25, 2020

Customer experience starts well before the customer contacts you or comes through the front door of your catering business office.

Your business website is your brand. It forms the first and last impression, which eventually plays an integral role between a customer booking the next event with you or moving ahead to your competitor.

Therefore, your business website's design has to be user-engaging and appealing to your potential clients to pull off more bookings.

Here are some smart website design tips that will help you build a great catering business website:

1. Structure Your Website For Usability

Think about the structure of your website through the mindset of your clients; how they are going to use it, instead they end up creating websites the way they use it internally. Your website must have an easy-to-use interface. Straightforward navigation is more user-friendly than complicated fancy themes.

 It is advisable to hire the best web design company to prepare the website's layout in line with your specifications and marketing goals.

#2 Understand Your Audience

Whether you are building your hospitality business website from scratch or considering a significant redesign, you should know to whom you're reaching out to.

Do you want to connect with corporate managers in your area as they are responsible for holding team lunches (if you are in an urban area with a high concentration of offices) or just catering for weddings, special occasions, family get-togethers, and other functions?

A website with a good user interface design drives more visitor engagements, lower bounce rates, and increased lead conversions.

These days smartphone cameras are good enough to capture professional-looking food photography. Just turn off the flash, keep the food in focus, and take pictures in landscape mode.

#3.  Display All the Key Information

Your hospitality business website must display all the necessary information about your catering services.

Consider your website as your online representative to convert every inquiry into a sale. Your website must answer all the most relevant questions of your potential customers.

Here is the content of your catering website:

2.1 Menu

The first thing potential clients look when they land on a catering website is the menu. Whether they are hosting a housewarming party or a corporate lunch, a hearty menu is what makes the real difference between a visitor making the event book or hop out of your website.

The menu must be categorized carefully, main dishes, combo deals, starters and beverages. Display delicious real photographs of different dishes to propel your prospective clients to trust you to take care of their event.

2.2 Online Booking Button

Having an online booking button on your catering website would increase the odds of converting a visitor into your customer.

2.3 Social Media Buttons

Having a social media presence has become indispensable to improve customer engagement. The buttons should be visible in the bottom of your website so visitors can stay connected with you via social media.

2.4 About Us

Any website is incomplete without the about us section. Share your story, and people will trust you more. The about us page content has to be crisp yet easy-to-digest. Talk about the inception of your hospitality business, team, and values; this is bound to draw every visitor's attention. 

#4 Use Images

To convey an idea of how professional your catering business is, have as many high-definition, real photographs as possible.

The text must be minimal and pay more emphasis on images to convey central ideas about your business to your prospective customers.

Don't overwhelm the readers with long paragraphs; start paras with short sentences. Showcase your unique selling proposition with the use of images.

Share these photos on your profile wall for various social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to engage with your potential audience. Social media is a powerful tool to reach out to broader customer-base and build loyalty.

#5 Mobile Optimization

Having a mobile-responsive website is an integral part of your digital marketing campaign. This way, you allow people to enjoy a seamless experience browsing your website regardless of the size of the screen.

The mobile version of your website must feature compressed images that are fast to load. Also, fix various elements that slow down your website.

#6 Search Engine Optimization

Even if you have a well-designed and gorgeous website, it will serve no purpose if it is not discoverable for your prospective clients.

This is where search engine optimization has a critical role to play.

An SEO-friendly website would mean that your catering business is visible to a broader audience when people search for something relevant to your site.

Here are some tips to help you make your website more SEO friendly:-

  • Avoid duplicate content
  • Make URLs user-friendly
  • Create an XML sitemap
  • Use Robot.txt file
  • Optimize your images
  • Focus on internal linking

Final Words

As a catering business owner, you must know how you can harness your targeted market's potential, hence following these website design tips and making your catering company site a winning success.

We at Al Shan Marketing, craft beautiful digital experiences for your catering businesses. Ask for a FREE quote today!

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