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5 Food Business Website Design Tips & Ideas Nov 03, 2021

1. Clear Call to Action  

What is the one thing you want your website visitors to do when they visit your website? And this doesn’t always have to be your standard “Get a Free Estimate”, maybe you want to capture their name and email with a Free Give-away. 


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Best Ways To Get Free Advertising For Your Restaurant & Catering Business Aug 11, 2021

Many believe that "if they build restaurants, customers will automatically come," but that isn't fundamentally true in the modern & competitive foodservice industry. One of the common reasons why restaurants fail is due to insufficient or too little advertising. According to Posist, "Failure...

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Why is SEO Marketing Important For Your Food Business Jun 08, 2021

When’s the last time you reached for a phone book to look for a good restaurant? I bet you cannot even remember the last time you used an actual phone book. Right? Because you see, we’ve long set foot in the great digital age where customers trust online reviews over flashy...

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