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5 Food Business Website Design Tips & Ideas

chefs design for caterers for your restaurant seo marketing website Nov 03, 2021
5 Food Business Website Design Tips & Ideas

1. Clear Call to Action  

What is the one thing you want your website visitors to do when they visit your website? And this doesn’t always have to be your standard “Get a Free Estimate”, maybe you want to capture their name and email with a Free Give-away. 

 For example: Get our bulletproof menu that guarantees your guests satisfaction! 

2. Add Inspirational Images 

 Make sure the images reflect your ideal clients’ dreams and aspirations. If you are a wedding caterer make sure you are displaying images of people enjoying your dishes. 

3. Include Testimonials 

Video testimonials work the best. If you don't have any videos make sure to add screenshots of your Google or Yelp Reviews. Or any other platform that you might have reviews on. 

4. Add On-Page SEO 

The SEO of a website is the foundation of good marketing. Make sure each page has the correct Title and meta-description and at least 500 words that specifically describe the service you are talking about. You do not want to talk about 5 different services on one page, instead, create 5 different pages and talk about each service specifically. 

5. Optimize Website Speed 

40% of people will abandon your site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Make sure to test your website speed using Google’s Speed Checker -  


Restaurant, Catering or Chef Business Website

If you need help with any of these topics for your Restaurant, Catering or Chef Business Website please join our Private Facebook Group and post any questions you have. 

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