Facebook Ads vs Google Ads, Which Paid Advertising Should You Use For Your Food Business?
Apr 27, 2021Facebook Ads vs Google Ads Which Paid Advertising Should You Use For Your Food Business?
Google, or social media such as Facebook. I have always been a Google guy, but lately guys, I have focused a lot on social media, especially Facebook, and the targeting is amazing. So here's what's going on, at least in my world. With Google, I'm noticing that it works really well around holidays and special days, such as St. Patty's day that's coming around, because that's when everybody goes on Google searching for that. And so there's going to be plenty of customers clicking on your ad. So it's great for that.
But social media, Facebook is great to run every day. Why? Because it's so easy to target people. You can literally target people that are thinking about getting married. That's how crazy it is. I'm going to show this ad right now. As you can see here, I'm going after people searching for a wedding ring, wedding cake. I'm just running this ad to see what's going to happen, and I know I'm going to do really well with it. And I'm going to share the results with you guys because this is something new that I'm doing in my business, and I want to teach you everything that I'm learning so you can succeed as well.
So don't take social media ads lightly, to say the least. You just have to learn how to target, and then you test different kinds of messages. Like right now, this ad, I think a click is costing me $1.20. This is not bad, because what's the lifetime value of that one customer, the winning customer. Well, it could be thousands. Why? Because the wedding catering could cost anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 right there. And then, all the people that are going to be there are going to find out about me and my services. So there are thousands right there. So you can never tell how much, but it's definitely worth the couple hundred dollars I'm going to spend on this ad. Right?
Think about it this way guys, lifetime value of your customers. Don't always focus so much on how much you're paying for the clicks. Although you have to test and measure, you have to... I mean, let me take that back. You want to focus on the clicks as well, but the most important part is not being scared of spending those click dollars for the bigger price, right? For thousands of potential dollars coming into your business.
I just wanted to take this time to share this with you, and I'm excited that I'm going heavily on social media because I'm already seeing a lot of results. And a lot of you caters found me this way, actually. So stay tuned. I'm going to share everything about Facebook ads in videos coming up. Now go get them this week.
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