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5 Popular Email Marketing Tips for Caterers

caterers email marketing Nov 24, 2020
5 Popular Email Marketing Tips for Caterers

Is email marketing dead? While the debate still runs, industry pros claim that email marketing is still a powerful marketing tool in 2020 and beyond.

 80% of business professionals firmly believe that email marketing improves customer retention.

Another recent statics says, if you invest one dollar in email marketing, you get $44 in return.

It requires a little bit of fine-tuning to improve your ROI.

Right from the subject line, content to analyzing metrics, everything has to be perfect to open floodgates of enquiries for your catering business. 

To get more event bookings from your email marketing campaign in 2020, here what you need to try:-

Tip 1: Promote Your Specialities

The catering business has come a long way from sloping rubber chicken & mashed potatoes on the platter. Every successful caterer and restaurant has specialization in a specific type of cuisine or those inspired by international flavors. 

So, promoting your chef specialists will undoubtedly create a vivid and clear identity for your catering business.

If you're a food speciality caterer such as halal, vegan to Mexican cuisine, then you must go that extra mile in illustrating it in detail. Don't forget to share tempting shots of your unique chef dishes.

Share cuisine specific menu now and then to encourage your prospective clients to inquire.

Tip 2:Provide Calendar

Incorporating a link to your updated schedule in the email newsletter will impress your potential clients as they discover how heavily you're booked, and the kind of events you are catering to.

It is a means to gain their trust that you are not any other catering business in the market, you are a well-recognized name.

But, be careful, if you overdo, you might end up losing potential bookings as they discover you're too booked, or the dates are conflicting. You have to maintain a delicate balance while providing your calendar in the emails.

Tip 3:Content is King

In this digital epoch, we eat as much with our eyes as our mouth, so be ready to share some of your delicious creations for various events like weddings, birthdays, housewarming parties, etc. through emails.

Yes, content is king, but reams of text are distracting and unnecessary. Instead provide  relevant information.only.

Focus on

  • the hospitality packages
  • your USP — be it your chef's speciality or add-on service you offer
  • highlight your experience
  • top events you catered for

Remind your potential customers what they're missing by not trusting your catering business, and also provide links to essential pages of your site to drive traffic and encourage visitors to reach out to you.

Creating a rich content is not everyone's cup of tea; you must contact an agency offering online marketing services, as they have creative copywriters in their team to write engaging emails that boost ROI.

Tip 4:Personalize Emails

Ensure that the right email is sent to the right person with a personal salutation. "Hey There, "Hello Client" won't work, you have to create a personal connection with the email receiver.

For that start with their name, like "Hi Kevin," followed by "Hope You're Doing Good and Safe." Afterall the subject line makes or breaks open rate — how many of your subscribers makes an effort to check your mail or ignore it.

The subject line has to be easy but compelling, like asking a question, "Are You Hosting a Christmas Party This Christmas." In the content, include text of one or two lines that tap the emotion to get your subscriber contacting you.

Tip 5:Use Client Feedback

Nothing speaks more loudly and confidently than your client's testimonials. Do follow up on your client, request them to share their feedback — a written recommendation. Publish the reviews online and share it with your followers through emails.


From the above, one can easily deduce that email marketing is still a reliable effective way to generate new and repeat bookings.

We at Al Shan Marketing have the expertise in marketing and advertising for catering businesses. Our experts can rank your catering business in the search results of Google in just 30 days, even if you don't have a business site or even a name.

You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on Ads to get any catering leads, fill the quick enquiry form, and we'll let you know how we can help you. Email us at  [email protected] or call now at (949) 424-7824

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